Peter Kosa
Veda a výskum

Peter Kosa


vedecký pracovník v National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Štúdium: Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave - PhD. - odbor biochémia (2003 - 2007)

Pracoviská a významné funkcie: 
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), USA - research fellow (od r. 2011)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), USA - postdoctoral fellow (2007 - 2011)
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave - odborný asistent (2003 - 2007)

Najdôležitejšie výsledky: Určenie kompletnej DNA sekvencie mitochondrialnych genómov viacerých kvasiniek a ich využitie na štúdium procesov evolúcie a vzniku nových biologických druhov. Odhalenie úlohy extracelulárnej proteázy matriptázy v udržiavaní epitelialnej bariéry a jej význam pre zabezpečenie normálneho fungovania orgánov a tkanív v myšom/ľudskom organizme. Vytvorenie a charakterizácia nových myších modelov pre štúdium rakoviny hrubého čreva a Sjögrenovho syndrómu.

1. Lang B.F., Jakubkova M., Hegedusova E., Daoud R., Forget L., Brejova B., Vinar T., Kosa P., Fricova D., Nebohacova M., Griac P., Tomaska L., Burger G., and Nosek J. Massive programmed translational jumping in mitochondria. PNAS 111: 5926-5931, 2014.
2. Yin H., Kosa P., Liu X., Swaim W. D., Lai Z., Cabrera-Perez J., Di Pasquale, G. Ambudkar I.S., Bugge T.H. and Chiorini J.A. Matriptase deletion initiates a Sjögren’s syndrome-like disease in mice. Plos One 9: e82852, 2014 (HY and PK contributed equally to this study)
3. Szabo R., Uzzun Sales K., Kosa P., Shylo N.A., Godiksen S., Hansen K.K., Friis S., Gutkind J.S., Vogel L.K., Hummler E., Camerer E. and Bugge T.H. Reduced prostasin (CAP1/PRSS8) activity eliminates HAI-1 and HAI-2 deficiency-associated developmental defects by preventing matriptase activation. PLOS Genetics, 8: e1002937, 2012.
4. Kosa P., Szabo R., Molinolo A.A. and Bugge T.H. Suppression of Tumorigenicity-14, encoding matriptase, is a critical suppressor of colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis. Oncogene, 31: 3679-3695, 2012.
5. Szabo R., Rasmussen A.L., Moyer A.B., Kosa P., Schafer J.M., Molinolo A.A., Gutkind J.S. and Bugge T.H. c-Met-induced epithelial carcinogenesis is initiated by the serine protease matripatse. Oncogene 30:2003-2016, 2011.
6. List K., Kosa P., Szabo R., Bey A., Wang C., Molinolo A. and Bugge T.H. Epithelial integrity is maintained by a matriptase-dependent proteolytic pathway. American Journal of Pathology 175: 1453-1463, 2009. (KL and PK contributed equally to this study)
7. Nosek J., Holesova Z., Kosa P., Gacser A. and Tomaska L. Biology and genetics of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Current Genetics 55: 497-509, 2009.
8. Szabo R., Hobson J.P., Christoph K., Kosa P., List K. and Bugge T.H. Regulation of cell surface protease matriptase by HAI2 is essential for placental development, neural tube closure and embryonic survival in mice. Development 136: 2653-2563.
9. Szabo R., Kosa P., List K. and Bugge T.H. Loss of matriptase suppression underlies spint1 mutation-associated ichtyosis and postnatal lethality. American Journal of Pathology 174: 2015-2022, 2009.
10. Kosa P., Gavenciakova B. and Nosek J. Development of a set of plasmid vectors for genetic manipulations of the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Gene 396: 338-345, 2007.
11. Nosek J., Kosa P. and Tomaska L. On the origin of telomeres: A glimpse at the pre-telomerase world. BioEssays 28: 182-190, 2006.
12. Kosa P., Valach M., Tomaska L., Wolfe K.H. and Nosek J. Complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genomes of the pathogenic yeasts Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis: Insight into the evolution of linear DNA genomes from mitochondrial telomere mutants. Nucleic Acid Research 34: 2472-2481, 2006.
13. Kucej M., Kosa P., Adamikova L. and Nosek J. Isolation of genes coding for Ade2 and Ura3 homologues from the multinuclear yeast Dipodascus magnusii. Current Genetics 41: 20-24, 2002.

Významné ocenenia
NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (2011)
Cena Petra Fedora (2006)
Ceny ministra školstva SR - za popularizáciu vedy (2006)
Cena rektora Univerzity Komenského (2002)
Cena dekana Prírodovednej fakulty UK (2000)

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